
Thanks for responding.

Things seem to be clearer now. I have a question to ask though.

We all know Bananas have seeds. (So a BananaBean can have a collection of

Now I have a situation where I have to set the property of the seed bean via
the JSP on submit.

Lets have a seed bean

public class SeedBean {
   public String getColor() { return color; }
   public void setColor(String str) { color= str; }
   private String color;

Now in the MonkeyBean (Which is the formbean ) can I say the following?

public class MonkeyBean {
   public List getBananas() { return bananas; }
  private List bananas = LazyCollections.lazyList(new
ArrayList(LazyCollections.lazyList(new ArrayList(),  SeedBean.class)),

I tried doing the same but it didnt work :(

Thanks for your time

----- Original Message -----
From: "Arron Bates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: Wrapping Collections in LazyList to auto-populate form on

> Hemant,
> Sorry about the issues you're having, but at face value it seems that
> you're almost trying too hard. Without seeing the rest of your code,
> it's hard to see what your generateWrappedCollection() method is trying
> to acheive, so I'll try to answer with code...
> With the collection wrapping, it's a simple one liner in the bean. For
> example, in all my monkey examples, they all return the collection as
> the indexed property type (because it's a valid indexed getter and the
> iterate tags can use the collection to get their thing going). All you
> need to do is wrap that collection directly.
> For example, two complete beans...
> public class MonkeyBean {
>   public List getBananas() { return bananas; }
>   private List bananas = LazyCollections.lazyList(new ArrayList(),
>                                                   BananaBean.class);
> }
> public class BananaBean {
>   public String getFlavour() { return flav; }
>   public void setFlavour(String str) { flav = str; }
>   private String flav;
> }
> The MonkeyBean is the parent class that hold the collection. It has
> immediately wrapped the ArrayList in the LazyCollection, and passed it
> the class of the BananaBean object. You may want to keep a reference to
> the wrapped ArrayList, generally I don't have the need to.
> These classes are all but ready to rock. In the action class, query the
> database or whatever and populate the MonkeyBean with the BananaBean
> data. Serve the result to the JSP.
> JSP write out a list of text boxes using iterate tags. Submit this, and
> after the monkeybean is built, the lazy collection will grow the banana
> list with banana beans as the indexed requests come in.
> When it gets back to your action class, you'll have your collection of
> banana beans.
> Hope this helps, you know where we are if it doesn't.
> Arron.
> On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 22:59, hemant wrote:
> > Comrades,
> >
> >
> > Objective: To autopopulate forms on submit. The formbean "has a"
collection of collections of ValueObjects. Each valueObject contains a pair
of other Value Objects.
> >
> > Before people beat me up,  The following possibilities have been dealt
> >
> > 1>> No, this is not a case of reset() I have the collections initialized
and things are fine.
> >
> > 2>> It is not a case of bean being in request scope. By default the bean
is in session scope (Unless we explicitly mention the action attribute that
it is request scope.)
> [ ...cut...]
> >
> > I am about to give up on form auto populate as I am out of time. I will
be populating them by hand but anyway... one last attempt. We dont like to
lose... do we?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks In Advance
> >
> > hemant
> --
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