
I think I am doing something fundamentally wrong with a small pop up window
that I have, but I don't understand what.

When I click the add button, i.e. html:submit, the jsp is supposed to
forward back to itself, which it does rather successfully. But in the
request, when it forwards back to itself, the property submit still equals
"submit" and the jsp begins an infinite loop, even when I set
form.setSubmit("") or form.setSubmit(null).

I have also tried removing the form
                    if (doAddSwitchDR && mapping.getAttribute() != null) {

but that doesn't work either.

I have solved the problem using a set of boolean swithces, but I am sure
that is not the Struts way to do it. I can submit the struts-config.xml or
some of the code, but there is nothing different or unusual about them.
Each time the page returns to the execute() method, it forwards back to
itself again.

What am I doing wrong in this scenario? I would much appreciate the help.


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