> The form tag doesn't properly parse on Websphere 3.5.2 for 
> forwards to it 
> that use redirect="true".  The fix is to remove the following 
> lines in 
> ActionServlet (struts 1.0.2).
>           if (path.startsWith("/"))
>                     path = request.getContextPath() + path;
> Websphere (in 3.5.2 at least) appends the context path later, 
> so you end up with a double nesting.

4.02 does that too. At the time we were battling with it there
was no fix.

We fixed this same "feature" by preprocessing all ActionForwards
in our base Action class before returning them to the ActionServlet.

We wrote a method in our base Action class that would for all
redirecting ActionForwards construct a full absolute URL instead
of the relative one. That causes WebSphere not to meddle with
the context path.

/myAction.do would become:


For ActionForwards that didn't redirect, it would do nothing
and just return the ActionForward that was passed to it.

There was a couple of other things we did in the method due to
some business requirements, but the above was the gist of it.

We preferred this approach to patching Struts source code.


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