> I am working on a project where we have two webapps, one is a 
> admin app,
> the other is for users.  Both are developed in Struts.  The users app
> loads configuration settings from an XML file at startup and 
> puts a bean
> into the application's scope.  The admin app has an interface 
> to change
> this file and save the XML file.
> So is it possible to develop a File Listener that notifies 
> the user app
> when this file as changed, so I can reload it?  If not, how would you
> experts recommend accomplishing this?  Maybe the admin app calls a
> servlet to reload the Configuration servlet?

Have the admin app notify the user app of the change:

        * with JMS (or any other type of) messaging
        * by changing a database flag that the user app monitors
          with a scheduled job or on-demand whenever the settings
          are used, which ever way is better for your app
        * by calling a servlet / web service / CGI / whatever on
          the user app

Or have the user app poll the file for changes with a scheduled

I'd use JMS, cause I'm a geek and I want to play with cool
technology and I haven't done that before :)

Use the approach you're most familiar with, can implement within
the constraints of your project schedule/cost and know that other
developers can maintain when you leave.


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