What "name" do you specify in the bean:write attributes to get at the form
bean?  I tried with the name of the Formbean in struts-config.xml but it
didn't work (I am using a Dynaform if that makes a difference).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim T. Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: Building confirm screens in Struts

> You will want to use a <bean:write> tag to display properties of a bean,
> plus the <html:hidden> tag (you are already using) to keep the data.
> Tim
>                     "Smith,
>                     Johnathan M."
>                     <jsmith4@ubsp
>                     w.com>
>                     09/09/2002    To: "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"
>                     01:33 PM      cc:
>                     Please
>                     respond to

>                     "Struts Users
>                     Mailing List"        Subject:     Building confirm
screens in Struts
> Caterpillar: Confidential Green          Retain Until: 10/09/2002
>                                          Retention Category:  G90 -
>                                          Information and Reports
> I have a question on how to build a confirm screen in struts.  In the past
> I
> had my user enter data in one screen into text fields on a form.  Once the
> user clicks submit I would use hiddle fields on the next screen to save
> values and I would also display the values on the screen to??
> I see in struts I can use the hidden tag but how do I display the value
> also have it in a hidden tag
> --
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