>> Sometimes I feel I am always running to to catch up in Struts. Mastered
ActionForms? oops gotta learn DynaActionForms! Learned how to validate in
the action class? , ha! better learn Dyna*Valid* stuff. Mastered
struts-logic? no! learn JSTL! <<

I feel the same way. :)  I was trying to get a good start in 1.0 before
going to 1.1, and I just discovered that I must already be using 1.1 since
LabelValueBean works.  (I think James Mitchell converted me with the new
struts-example putting jsp's under WEB-INF.  Thanks!  That has to be the
least painful conversion I've ever been through. :)  For some reason I
thought Struts 1.1 required JSP 1.2.

I'm now looking for a Contants class or a VERSION variable somewhere.  Is
there a way for me to know for sure what version of Struts I'm using?
Compare the file sizes?  (It's 327 kb.)

Wendy Smoak

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