Hmmm.... I looked in the example application (editResgistration). I have
similar code, but still doesn't work for me.

Here is snippets of my code:
In struts-config.xml

    <form-bean      name="personnelForm"

    <action    path="/getpersonnel"

    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                                 ActionForm form,
                                 HttpServletRequest request,
                                 HttpServletResponse response)
        throws Exception 

    // Extract attributes we will need
        Locale locale = getLocale(request);
        MessageResources messages = getResources(request);
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();

      System.out.println("I am in Personnel Action");
      PersonnelForm fForm = (PersonnelForm)form;

      PersonnelVO personnelVO = new PersonnelVO();  // has 'rank' and
'paygrade' properties

      PropertyUtils.copyProperties(fForm, personnelVO);      

      // Forward control to the specified success URI
        return (mapping.findForward("success"));


And finally here is personnel.jsp

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>

<html:html locale="true">
<title><bean:message key="index.title"/></title>
<body bgcolor="white">


<html:form action="/updaterank" focus="rank">
<table border="0" width="100%">

<h3><center><bean:message key="index.message.getrank"/></center></h3>
    <th align="right">
      <bean:message key="prompt.rank"/>
    <td align="left">
      <html:text property="rank"  size="16" maxlength="16"/>

    <th align="right">
      <bean:message key="prompt.paygrade"/>
    <td align="left">
      <html:text property="paygrade" size="16" maxlength="16"/>

    <td align="right">
      <html:submit property="submit" value="Submit"/>
    <td align="left">




When I access "/" action,
I expect that after my PersonnelAction.execute() function returns and
personnel.jsp is executed, I would see HTML text
controls filled with "RANK" and "PG" values. But they appear blank.....

What am I missing here..??

thanks for all the help..

-----Original Message-----
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 6:12 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: How to get data back from ActionForm to HTML form

> I tried it, and I still don't see Text fields populated in HTML form..
> Does this mean I will have to manually write code to get handle to fForm
> from 'request' and call fForm.getXXX() in my JSP file ??
> I thought html:text property="XXX" should automatically get the matching
> property value from the ActionForm in the similar way it does while
> I must be missing something here...

I had the opposite problem... things were magically appearing in the HTML
form and I couldn't see how.  I had started with the example app, and I
finally found the line, which I commented appropriately:

 *  Magic!  This populates all of the ContactForm
 *  properties with the matching ones in the Contact
PropertyUtils.copyProperties( contactform, contact );

'contact' is my Value Object, and 'contactform' is the [extension of]

HTH!  Take a look at struts-example to see how it works.

Wendy Smoak 

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