
A Dijous 10 Octubre 2002 22:13, Hohlen, John va escriure:
> Unlike Struts 1.0, Struts 1.1 is built upon various libraries from the
> Jakarta Commons project.  As a result, these necessary libraries are listed
> as classpath elements in the "manifest.mf" file of the "struts.jar" file.
> More specifically:
> Class-Path: commons-beanutils.jar commons-collections.jar
> Class-Path: commons-dbcp.jar commons-digester.jar
> Class-Path: commons-logging.jar commons-pool.jar
> Class-Path: commons-services.jar commons-validator.jar
> Class-Path: jakarta-oro.jar
> My team is using WebLogic 6.1 SP 2.  If our "struts.jar" contains a
> "manifest.mf" with the above classpath elements, then we have to include
> the "struts.jar" file in the classpath used to boot WebLogic (even though
> the "struts.jar" file is included in the "WEB-INF\lib" folder).  Otherwise,
> we get the exception listed below.  Conversely, if we take the classpath
> elements out of the "manifest.mf" file, then the "struts.jar" does not need
> to be included in the WebLogic classpath, and the server boots fine.  Can
> anyone explain this?  Thanks, JOHN

I have deployed struts 1.1b2 apps to Weblogic 6.1sp3 without modifying server 
classpath. May be its a weblogic sp2 issue.


-- Antoni Reus

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