On Friday, October 11, 2002, 2:02:11 PM, Craig wrote:

CRM> * Form bean property is a String.
CRM> * Value/DTO objects would use the native data types
CRM>   (java.util.Date in this case).  Property name would
CRM>   be the same "birthDate".
CRM> * Either use a copyProperties method or write a custom
CRM>   helper method to copy all the individual properties.

      Thanks Craig. It seems like if you do like above (using the
      String birthDate in the form bean, and the native Date
      'birthDate' in the model bean, then you don't get the benefit of
      using the BeanUtils.copyProperties() method? I must be messing
      something up because BeanUtils.copyProperties() seems to crap
      out on me if I have native java.util.Date birthDate and form
      bean property birthDate. Even if I want to use a helper method
      to do the conversion, it seems like I have to throw out the
      BeanUtils.copyProperties() if I want to have a form bean String
      and java.util.Date with the same field name? What I'd like to
      be able to do is using the copyProperties() of BeanUtils to copy
      over all the Strings in the form bean to the String (or ints) in
      the value object and then use a helper to deal with the Strings
      that need to be converted to Dates. The problem I'm running into
      is it seems to be an 'either' 'or' deal. Either, I make sure
      their is a Date as a String also in my model bean or else I use
      helper class to convert everything and not use the
      BeanUtils/PropertyUtils. Is there a way around this? (besides
      doing what I've done and have two versions of the date object in
      the value object... one as a String and one as a java.util.Date)

      Thanks again




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