Since I'm connected to jboss
I use java.sql.Date.

Then I pass values in millis and use a GregorianCalendar to manage dates.

Rick Reumann wrote:

>My business layer bean has a field as java.util.Date (example:
>birthDate). My form bean uses the String for this date (in this
>example.. String birthDate). The problem is I can't seem to use
>BeanUtils to copy the properties since it appears BeanUtils will only
>convert a java.sql.Date by default (get
>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch when using
>java.util.Date) . I tried dealing with registering a custom Coverter I
>wrote and registering it with ConvertUtils and below is a copy of the
>message I posted concerning this problem.
>I'm posting this question, though, because I'm curious how others have
>dealt with this situation? Maybe using the BeanUtils or PropertyUtils
>is not that common of a practice or most use a java.sql.Date as
>opposed to java.util.Date? Having dates in form fields is common so
>I'm curious how others transfer their form field dates to their
>business model (as java.util.Date?).
>Thanks for any info.
>Below was Converter question I posted last night, in case anyone is
>I'm still having a bit of trouble trying to use BeanUtils to copy
>java.util.Date properties. It appears that it will work fine by
>default with java.sql.Date but isn't set up by default for
>java.util.Date (which I'm using for Dates in my business bean). I
>build a class implements Converter interface and used the ConvertUtils
>to register java.util.Date with this Converter. It works great
>converting the String form properties to Dates as expected. The
>question I have is how do I build a converter (or modify the existing
>one) that will convert the Date properties to String properties when I
>want to go the other way with the copyProperties (populate my DynaForm
>from a business bean)? I tried modifying the covert method of the
>Converter I created so that if the arg was a String property it would
>covert and return a Date but the problem is this Converter never got
>used when going the other direction (Date to String). Any ideas what
>I'm doing wrong or what I can do to solve this problem?

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