
I am pleased to announce that I have released a first version of SVT
(Struts Validation Toolkit).
SVT is a form validation framework for Struts.

You can write a simple validating code in Java, rather than
writing validation.xml files.

For example, if the form bean has properties "name" and "age",
both is required, and "age" must be a number,
the validation code looks like this:

public class InputForm extends ActionForm {

    public ActionErrors validate(
        ActionMapping mapping,
        HttpServletRequest request) {

        Validator v = new Validator(getServlet(), this, mapping.getName());
        v.validate("name", Rules.required());
        v.validate("age", new Rule[] { Rules.required(), Rules.number() });
        return v.getErrors();

You can get it from http://svt.sourceforge.net/

If you have any comments please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Shinya Kasatani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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