    I am doing just that. Hope it works. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Derry [mailto:dderry@;acm.org]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 4:52 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How to add a pre-action

In addition to Phil's advice, if I understand you correctly you are asking
how you can differentiate two different behaviors in the same action class.
When action is /mainscreen then ReportParameterAction should do one thing
(or nothing) but when action is /report then ReportParameterAction should do
something differently. If this is correct then you can accomplish this with
the 'parameter' attribute. In your action mapping specify
'parameter=someParameter'. In ReportParameterAction test for that parameter
and determine the behavior accordingly (ie. if(
mapping.getParameter().equals( 'someParameter' ) ) {
doSomethingSpecial(); } ).

Dave Derry

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mohan Radhakrishnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
>  Flow :
>      login.jsp -> mainscreen.jsp[ jsp:includes a left panel showing report
> parameters]
>      The parameters are chosen by the user. Forward to the same
> mainscreen.jsp which is shown again with the left panel hidden (uses
> and the report shown in the center of the screen.
>      1. Pre-population of the left panel with report parameters.
>          Action mapping used is.
> <action    path="/mainscreen"
>             type="com.hcl.smartmanage.web.action.ReportParameterAction"
> --> Doesn't do anything right now.
>             name="reportParameterForm"
>             validate="false"
>             scope="session"
>             input="/mainscreen.jsp">
>      </action>
>          Form tag used is <html:form  action="mainscreen.action" ....
>    After the parameters are shown the user clicks the 'submit' button
> the above form tag and the parameters should be processed and a report
> fetched. But the 'action' of the form tag should be differentiated so that
> this action mapping takes effect. How do you do that?
> <action    path="/report"
>             type="com.hcl.smartmanage.web.action.ReportSelectionAction"
>             name="reportParameterForm"
>             validate="false"
>             scope="session"
>             input="/mainscreen.jsp">
>      </action>
> bye,
> Mohan
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