
The struts-html tags have the styleId attribute, that will output and "id" 


-- Antoni Reus

A Dimarts 29 Octubre 2002 22:31, Josh Berry va escriure:
> I am not real sure of what to call what I am trying to do, so nice labels
> will have to work.
> Due to my amazing irritation with having to check a tiny little box for a
> radio/checkbox select when there is a large label I could be checking, I
> used to use the <label> tag quite extensively.  I am not sure that this had
> any benefit in Netscape, but it did have the benefit of allowing a user to
> click on a label and having the <input> element associated update.
> Now, unfortunately, the time I tried to do this with struts, I ran into the
> problem of "id" not being allowed in any of the <html:> input tags.  So,
> while I can still use the <label> tag all day, there is no way for me to
> associate it with the correct input element.  That is, a typical input
> (again, radio and checkbox receive the most benefit) should look something
> like this:
> <label for="male">Male</label><input type="radio" id="male" value="male">
> Is there any reason that "id" is not allowed on the struts input tags? 
> Does anyone else see the benefit?  I know it sounds asinine, but that is
> one the often unused standard tags that I wish received more use.
> -josh

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