Hi Kurt,

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately this does not seem to work in a page
included by the layout template, i.e. <tiles:insert...> or
<tiles:getAsString...> both work fine in the template, e.g. in this case

"page.jsp" is a tile used by the template and the attribute does not seem to
be available at this point and this is where I get the error:
"[ServletException in:/page.jsp] Error - tag.getAsString : attribute 'x' not
found in context. Check tag syntax'".

Do you have any other ideas, please to make the attribute available to a
page included/referenced by the layout template.

Many thanks,


-----Original Message-----
From: Madel,Kurt [mailto:kmadel@;csmi.com]
Sent: 30 October 2002 17:08
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [Tiles] Accessing layout attribute from a page (tile)

<tiles:getAsString name="x"/>

Kurt Madel
Programmer, CSMi
(703) 823-4300 ext. 170

-----Original Message-----
From: Hue Holleran [mailto:hueh@;softwareskills.net]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 12:02 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List (E-mail)
Subject: [Tiles] Accessing layout attribute from a page (tile)

Is it possible to access a tiles layout attribute from a tile?

e.g. if a layout is defined with an attribute, e.g. "x":

  <definition name="rootLayout" path="rootLayout.jsp">
    <put name="x" value="Hello" direct="true />
    <put name="body" value="page.jsp" />

How would I access the attribute "x" in "page.jsp"?

Attempting to do <tiles:insert attribute="x"/> in page gives a "Error - Tag
Insert : No value found for attribute 'x'".

I've also tried using the <importAttribute/> tag but this does not seem to
allow access to the attribute.

Sorry if this is a dumb question with a simple answer but we really have
tried reading every bit of documentation available on Tiles but are still
failing to grasp this.


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