> One vote for three pre-populated boxes. Saves on validation that way :)
> Brian

And if I make them read-only, that would really fix it!  ;) I think the
three-boxes approach comes with its own problems... I did it for a "time"
field, but there, the choices are fixed.  If I wanted drop-downs for a date
then I'd have to figure out what days are valid.  Blech.  Besides, the users
will complain.  They're used to typing in partial dates and having the
[telnet] app magically figure out what they meant.

I'm currently dissecting the struts-validator example, and my first concern
is that all of the actions have validate="true" in struts-config.xml.  I
don't think I can do that.  The user may go off to a resolution page and
come back before the form needs to be validated.

Without validate="true" in the <action> tag in struts-config, is the
Validator Plugin even going to work?  Is there a way to manually validate?
In my case, I have a LookupDispatchAction, and I only want to validate at
the last minute-- the user has pressed the 'Finish' button and the 'action'
request parameter has caused the 'saveContact()' method in my
LookupDispatchAction to be called.

Is it as simple as manually calling validate() and placing the ActionErrors
object into request scope with the appropriate name, which I think is
'org.apache.struts.action.ERROR'?  I know someone explained this to me a
week or so ago, but apparently it didn't stick.  Brain overload.

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

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