Take care, it may not be an issue with your pool ! I have a similar environment and the Struts pool appears to correctly re-connect when tomcat restarts my application after a class change. (It should as the entire context is re-initialised!)

Some things that seem to help:

1) Close all result sets and statements after use.
2) Be really sure that connection.close() is called.

I suggest you close all open result sets, statements and connections in your finally{} block

Other things that may help with MySQL:

Use a ping query: something like : dataSource.setPingQuery("SELECT * FROM nextid WHERE tablename='company'");
Which effectively checks the connection is still alive before you run your real query. BUT, be warned that this runs prior to every query, so their are performance issues.
Make sure that MySql is not closing the connection on you due to inactivity. Sorry, but you'll need to look that one up for yourself.

Good luck


At 09:27 20/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:

Actually, the problem was very silly and i have solved (i think!!)

The struts connection pooling gives a ton of problems in development enviorement becuase I need to restart the tomcat when i make any changues to the classes. If I use reload from the manager, all the connections in the pool are lost (with out being closed), so each time i used reload, i lost a connection and after a while all the connection were lost.

Mike Way,
Senior Consultant, Shared Skills Ltd
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