On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Martin Cooper wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Emmanuel Bridonneau wrote:
> > Some double talk,
> > so I ran into this JVM exeption after switching from the "oh you're too expensive 
>for me" Weblogic to "you're great for a free software" JBoss.
> > Turns out that Tomcat (used in conjunction w/JBoss) has a 64kb limitation whilst 
>generating the servlet code from a JSP.
> > I intend to follow some suggestion I read and reduce the size of the .class files 
> >  - reducing the number of tags used by merging some functionalities at the expense 
>of a clean code
> >  - putting some code outside of the jsp and including these snippets at run time
> >
> > It's a rather nasty and long undertaking.
> > If anyone has encountered this type of exeption can you confirm this assumption 
>and what were the steps you took to overcome this limitation?
> > Heard of a future Tomcat release that'll increase the 64kb limit?
> The latest versions of Tomcat use Jasper2 to compile JSP pages. Jasper2
> apparently breaks up the generated code to avoid hitting the limit you are
> encountering. If you can move to a later Tomcat, that would probably be
> the best way to go.
> If you can't switch container, one other point to bear in mind is that
> non-body tags generate less code than body tags. If you have your own tag
> library, you might consider changing some of the body tags to non-body
> tags. If you're really desperate, you could created modified versions of
> some of the Struts tags so that they are non-body tags, or create
> composite tags. (This is something I ended up having to do some time ago
> because some of my pages were blowing the limit on a daily basis!)

One other thing I forgot to mention - you can also use <jsp:include> to
break your pages into smaller chunks for the JSP compiler, and put them
back together at run time.

Martin Cooper

> --
> Martin Cooper
> > Thanks
> >
> > Configuration details:
> > JBoss 2.4.4 bundle w/Tomcat 4.0.1
> > Struts 1.0.2
> >
> >
> > --
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