
I have already read a lot of posts to implements that but I don't

Process: When the user select a value on the combo select, the page refresh
and fill a new select tag by a content which depend on the value selected by
the user.  The second select tag is well filled but the first is not pre
select on the value clicked by the user.

I don't understand why my select tag doesn't pre-select the good value. My
form class is in session scope and when I test my value it seems that it has
the good value.
Does anyone can help me please?

<html:select property="selectCMP" onchange="choix(this)">
  <logic:notPresent name="selectCMP" scope="request">
    <html:option value="0">Choisissez votre Cadre Emploi</html:option>
  <html:options collection="CMP" labelProperty="CMP_LIB" property="CMP_ID"/>

Thanks in advance

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