I'm still wondering about the use of Struts for more complicated web
In particular for things where we require nesting of objects and
manipulation of
these objects via web interface.  
Say I want to display two lists of objects and swap lists in and out of
these two
lists as required.
List A       -->   List B
Object A          Object C
Object B
e.g. Move object B to List B
I also want to add/remove objects as required to these lists.  Is this
possible in
Struts.  I've looked at the struts-layout library on
but it look sto be buggy.  Has anbody actually had any success with
I also want to be able to display a tree component to a user and allow
the user to
manipulate the tree by adding or removing nodes to the tree.  Is this
possible with
any of the struts user interface components or will I have to use an
applet or a
sophiticated javascript tree to achieve this.  If so how do I integrate
it with Struts?
I've also looked at the monkey-struts example as well but that seems to
lack the 
creation of objects in these lists, which doesn't look to be a problem
to implement
but that might be an oversight on my part : ) please let me know if I'm
I know there's a lot of questions abou the above and I'm still pondering
them as well 
myself but I just wanted to know whether it is possible to do this in
Struts at present.
>From what I can see it is possible to create simple web based
applications using
Struts but I haven't come across any really complicated web interfaces
yet using
Struts, has anybody got any ideas on this or any examples of web
applications that
are a little more compicated.  
Many thanks,
Jon Holloway.
 Jonathan Holloway,               
 Dept. Of Computer Science,       
 Aberystwyth University, 
 West Wales,                      
 SY23 3DV.                        
 07968 902140                     

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