
If the remote ejbs and ejb clients are in the same JVM some containers let you 
optimize the access enabling passing objects by reference.

There is a descriptor tag in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml called 
<enable-call-by-reference> that you can set to false (but I thought that it 
was tuned off by default!)


A Divendres 29 Novembre 2002 20:29, Velmurugan M. va escriure:
> I m using Weblogic 6.1 for deploying ear
> which contains some session bean and struts code. On calling a remote
> method ( rM) in a session bean from strutsAction Class execute() method, I
> m getting a Object, say remObj. I m modifying the remObj. And on second
> call to remote method rM, I m getting the changed remObj. ( I am not using
> any LocalInterface as specified in EJB 2.0). I believe any object that is
> returned from calling a EJB Object is passed by value and  any modification
> to the returned object should have no effect on the original object in
> Session bean. When I test the EJB with a different client (Normal Java
> classes) running on different JVM, this problem does not occur.
> Why is the struts frame work behaves like this? Or Is there any special
> configuration to be done to run struts framework in separate JVM? If it is
> the problem with web Container or EJB server provider, can sb point me
> exact place where I need to ask this question.?
> regards
> velmuruganm
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