I just tried the window.closed flag and that don't work, it'always setted to false.
  Jarnot Voytek Contr AU HQ/SC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : have you 
tried checking window.closed (it's a boolean) in your onUnload
handler? Not sure if it'll work, but worth a try. Problem is, it may not
show as true until after the onUnload is done. If you're opening a new
window for your app, you could always check the closed property from the
parent window...

--Voytek Jarnot

-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Boudrant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 7:50 AM
Subject: [OT] JavaScript navigator close event 

Is there, in javascript an event on navigator closed ? I try the onUnload="..."> but 
my code is executed at every page change (An that's
normal ;). But I want to execute code only when the user close the navigator
(And his session!), I don't want to wait session timeout before reset all
the lock associed to this session.

So is there a solution ?


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