
I have the form with multiple rows. Rows are populated from database.
Each row is displayed as a separate form using the tags

        <logic:iterate name="myobject" id="myid" indexId="inx"
        in the form tag I have the button for each row which calls the
        javascript function go. In the go function I am just submitting
the     form.

        <html:button styleClass="formButtonStyle" property="ok" 
onclick="go(this.form)" />

I also have the tag

<html:form action="/">

My problem is:

        1. If I click Edit button of the first row, it is working fine.
        2. If I click the second row or any other row, it is not
        3. If I click the first row first and press back button and
           click second row or anyother row it is working fine.
        Actually what is happening is if I press the first row, action
editList is working. If I click anyother row, it is taking the previous
Action(which was in the url) and working accordingly.


Senthivel U S

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