Hi Jerry,

so your question is where is the state information stored an checked, or do you have to check it yourself? Well, if you had to check it yourself, you would not need to use the workflow extension. ;-)

For detailed instructions please refer to www.livinglogic.de/Struts/

You need to make sure that all your actions are derived from GenericAction and implement the method performAction instead of the method perform defined by Action. This ensures that all state information you define in struts-config.xml is maintained and checked.

Please note: If you are using Struts 1.1, you need to modify the config file. For more information refer to: http://www.livinglogic.de/Struts/struts1_1.html

--- Matthias

Jerry Yu wrote:

Dear Mr Bauer,

How are you Mr Bauer, my name is Jerry.. I am learning to use your Struts Workflow Extension, but I have a problem when I try to use it on my own webpages. I donwloaded your example and it works fine for me. Then I try to make my own flow using some pages created for the project I am working on. My problem is I don't need to do authentication and basically I only want to control how the order of pages that user can see.
Following is the code in struts-config.xml:

<action path="/createStaffRec1" name="createStaffForm" scope="session" attribute="createStaffSess" input="/staff/content-createstaffrecpg1.jsp" type="com.ifshk.hrms.struts.actions.CreateStaffAction1">
<set-property property="primaryWorkflow" value="wf1" />
<set-property property="newState" value="1" />
<set-property property="nextState" value="2" />
<forward name="success" path="/staff/content-createstaffrecpg2.jsp" />
<action path="/createStaffRec2" type="com.ifshk.hrms.struts.actions.CreateStaffAction1" name="createStaffForm" input="/staff/content-createstaffrecpg2.jsp" attribute="createStaffSess" scope="session">
<set-property property="primaryWorkflow" value="wf1" />
<set-property property="prevState" value="1" />
<set-property property="newState" value="2" />
<set-property property="nextState" value="3" />
<forward name="success" path="/staff/content-selectperson-createpersondetails.jsp"/>
<action path="/createStaffRec3" type="com.ifshk.hrms.struts.actions.CreateStaffAction1" name="createStaffForm" input="/staff/content-selectperson-createpersondetails.jsp" attribute="createStaffSess" scope="session">
<set-property property="primaryWorkflow" value="wf1" />
<set-property property="prevState" value="2" />
<set-property property="newState" value="3" />
<set-property property="nextState" value="0" />
<set-property property= "endWorkflow" value="true" />
<forward name="success" path="/staff/content-promotestaff.jsp"/>

As you can see, it is only 3 pages and the action I use CreateStaffAction1 is almost the same as yours only some more package is imported. The thing is do I have to check the workflow state myself? Since I can't find any checking in your Wf1Action.java, Wf2Action.java, and Wf3Action.java, I assume I don't have to. My main problem is do I have to check the state myself and where is all the state information stored ? I know they are coded in the struts-config.xml, but when and where did they being used ?? Thanks for your time to read this!

P.S. I am using WSAD 4.0 to cook up the whole project.

Thanks in advance,

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