There was an article on JavaWorld regarding struts/XML/XSLT, however, it
wasn't clear to me what you are trying to do.  If you're using struts you'd
most likely use HTTP, not simple sockets.  In that case the action perform
would return null after setting the response type to text/xml, and writing
the xml text to the response.  There's not much to say on the topic.

It sounds like you're needing some type of UI abstraction layer.  There are
tons of those out there these days.  XForms is prominent. has
one, or you could abstract a UI as XML on your own.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Puneet Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 11:17 AM
Subject: Struts XML - XSL

> I know that this topic has been dicsussed in this forum a number
> of times.
> I came to know this from mail archives, but my question still
> remains unanswered.
> In our application we have to generate some XML documents apart
>  from HTML screens.
> The intent here is to send these XML documents to a Swing client
> through a socket.
> there is also a possibility that some of the screens may be
> required in both HTML and Swing.
> I have been searching for information on this for past few days.
> one of the nice option that I cam acorss is described on URL
> while going through the struts mail archives, I came acorss a mail
> written by Craig on 06/12/2000
> the mail can be accessed on link
> Here Craig talks about developing some facility within struts
> which could do the same.
> Does struts have such a facility.
> Would be grateful if someone cuold give some tips/links, which
> could help me in deciding as what is the best option.
> Regards
> Puneet
> Regards
> Puneet Agarwal
> --
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