David Rothschadl ha scritto:

It looks like you need to change your property "caChecked" to "acChecked" David R
kiuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:hello,
On some forms I have a no getter method error , and I can't see the reason.

The problem doesn't exist if I use for ex. a html-el.text element.

This is my form

public class ActivityCenterForAgendaForm extends ActionForm {

private String str;
private String acChecked[];
private Collection activityCenters;

/** Creates a new instance of CustomerEditForm */
public ActivityCenterForAgendaForm() {
super(); activityCenters = new Vector(); resetFields();

* Restets all fields
public void resetFields ()
{ str = "ciao";
acChecked = new String[0];
activityCenters.clear(); }

public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest req) { resetFields();


public void setStr(String str) { this.str = str;
public void setAcChecked(String acChecked[]) { this.acChecked = acChecked;
public void setActivityCenters(Collection activityCenters) { this.activityCenters = activityCenters;


public String getStr()
return this.str;

public String[] getAcChecked()
return acChecked;

public Collection getActivityCenters() { return this.activityCenters;

public int getActivityCentersSize() { return this.activityCenters.size();

* Called by the framework to validate the customer's data
* @return On success returns an empty ActionErrors
public ActionErrors validate( ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest req) {
ActionErrors result = new ActionErrors();

return result; } }

When I access to the relative page I have the following error:
WARNING: Exception for /webappointments/secure/activitycenterforagenda.jsp
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method available for property caChecked for bean under name org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN
at org.apache.struts.taglib.template.InsertTag.doEndTag(InsertTag.java:161)
at precompiled.secure.activitycenterforagenda._jspService(activitycenterforagenda.java:164)
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:107)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)

Please help!!!!

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Peace, Love & Understanding

David R

Sorry I've done it yet but nothing happens (write & rewrite makes some misspell error ;-P)

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