
If you let me know what you found complicated, I can help
you understand the approach the BC4J framework takes and
why things are done that way. 

Every feature in the BC4J framework is grounded in some
real-world task that you typically will need to perform
over-and-over again by hand (or by writing your own framework
code or code generator) while building robust J2EE business
applications. Just inside Oracle alone, we have over 800
developers using the framework to build our self-service
Oracle EBusiness Suite applications, and that's not
counting are many external customers that ask their BC4J-related
questions in the Oracle Technet discussion forum for JDeveloper
and BC4J.

Here's a thread in our Oracle Technet discussion forum
where I help a user understand how concepts in the
Section 6.5 "Building the Storefront Model" chapter of Chuck Cavaness'
struts book from O'Reilly map to the built-in features of the BC4J

Hope this helps.

P.S. Apologize in advance for some of the formatting glitches
     in the online posting, but the info there should all readble.
     (some bolding and bullet-points didn't show up right).

Steve Muench - Developer, Product Mgr, Java/XML Evangelist, Author
Simplify J2EE Development with the Oracle BC4J Framework
Building Oracle XML Apps,
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alireza Fattahi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 3:41 PM
Subject: Oracle 9i BC4J and Struts

| Hi,
| Did any one have any experience with Oracle 9i BC4J and struts? I found it
| complicated Am I right? Does it make things more complicated or it worth a
| complete R&D :)
| Alireza
| --
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