Good day, my problem is the following: I use the Eric Fesler's taglib for 
realize dynamic link in this way:

<mytag:IterS colors="#FFFFFF,#E5E9F5">
<TR bgcolor="<%=Color%>">
    <TD align=left><%=CorsoStudioId%></TD>
    <TD align=left><%=CorsoStudioName%></TD>
    <TD align=left><%=CorsoStudioFacolta%></TD>
    <TD align=left><%=CorsoStudioCrediti%></TD>
    <TD align=left>
        <hm:link page="/">
            <hm:linkparam id="IDCorsoS"  name="CorsoStudioId"/>
            <hm:linkparam id="IDFacolta"  name="IDFacolta"/>
                Vis. Corsi Insegn.

where IDFacolta is an parameter that I get from the request and CorsoStudioId 
is a value that I get from my taglibrary (this iterate on a collection that i 
pass with the controller). Now I want to know if  is possible use the tag < 
html: link> of struts with a HashMap, but using an only HashMap and passing 
this between the varied jsp/ action in the request (because I want to pass 
some parameter that it haven't displayed in the url). Before i usying:

        HashMap mappaold= (HashMap) request.getAttribute ( "map");
 // I recover the values from the "old" HashMap 

<mytag:IterS colors="#FFFFFF,#E5E9F5">
                <TR bgcolor="<%=Color%>">
                        <TD align=left><%=CorsoStudioId%></TD>
                        <TD align=left><%=CorsoStudioName%></TD>
                        <TD align=left><%=CorsoStudioFacolta%></TD>
                        <TD align=left><%=CorsoStudioCrediti%></TD>
                        <TD align=left>
                        HashMap mappa = new HashMap();
                        <html:link action="/" name="mappa" />

Here I use more HashMap one for any cycles (es: 100 cycles= 
100HashMap :<  ). .I'd like to know if it' s possible to use only one and if 
yes how?Or,if this are impossible, how i can pass other parameter from this 
jsp and its controller if i don't put this parameter on the link?
I thank for the help.
p.s. Sorry for my english.

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