Hi folks,

Here's my situation, I am using tomcat(latest version) and
mysql,jdbc(mysql ..connector..jar) and struts for an application with
connection pooling.  I can not figure out why my connection stay around
once I close them, they are not sent back to the pool.

I create a connection then I 

                Connection myConnection = utilclass.getDbConnection();

the getDBconnetion() method is here:

        public Connection getDbConnection() {
                String contextString = "java:comp/env/jdbc/cms";
                Connection localConnection = null;
                DataSource myBasicDataSource = null;

                try {
                        Context myContext = new InitialContext();
                        myBasicDataSource = (DataSource)
                        localConnection =
                   ..................return localConnection;

I use the connection for a statement and a result set.

I close the connection
                         myConnection .close();

I have also found out that you should be closing the result set and the
statement also, which I have tried but that did not resolve my problem. 
When I check out the DB I see the connections that are created during
the application but they remain there in sleep until tomcat is

I have added the following to my server.xml to clean up connections


but this does not seem to work, I added it in the jdbc resource params
section.  Is there a way to clean up these connections that are lying
around.  I connect many times to the db and I thought that in the end of
things I should only have one connection left, all the other connections
were closed but not reclaimed.

I could really use some help on this one.



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