This is the way I set "default values" to my JPSs, so that I never need
scriptlet code to initialyze them and keep them as simple as possible.

I suggest using this workflow :

HTTP request
 -> struts populate formbean
  -> action (does some business logic, puts some beans in request/session)
   -> forward to prepareAction (pre-populate formbean)
    -> JSP (maps input fields to formBean)

3rd stage can be done by a dedicated JSP tag too.


> Can I instantiate a form, populate it with values and then place it in
> request scope and have my jsp use that form to use those values as the
> default.  ie if I have a Collection that I am displaying with an <options>
> tag can I populate the form with the value that should be selected, place
> the form on the request and have the tag select the appropriate option?
> thanks in advance
> Matt
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