responses are in line.

Gary Ashley wrote:
Robert Leland wrote:

The standard has always been that the Struts 1.1 release will depend on

released version of the commons-xxxxx.jar's.

The RC1 and others depend on the nightly builds of commons-xxx because
they almost always fix more bugs than they create. What --released-- version of commons-xxx.jar's we use will likely be taken on a case by
case basis. I know that beanutils & digester have reciently had a new release, and that Martin has released the first version of commons-fileupload.

We always welcome contributions to the code base, especially unit


My inability to contribute at this time is the exact reason that I
hesitated to send my email in the first place. I very much appreciate
all the hard work and dedication that developers like you provide to
developers like me. I apologize if you found it offensive.

None was taken.

If you are not satified with their quality then contribute, that is
what open source is all about.

I had thought that ideas were considered contributions as well, and did
not intend my question to be derogatory or

Didn't take it that way.

implying dissatisfaction.

Are you sure ? The confusion about what is a release and what isn't is certainly a --valid-- reason to be dissatified about.

I merely hoped to point out that statements on the Struts website
concerning nightly builds coupled with 2 consecutive releases of Struts
depending on Logging nightly builds was confusing to those not in the
inner circle. I had hoped that my feedback would help improve the
process for others in the future and be taken into consideration by the
inner circle.

The aren't very clean on this point, and could be a little clearer. I don't consider Struts 1.1 b1, 1.1b2, 1.1b3 or 1.1RC1 a true release. Struts 1.0 is the only official release. That is why the last version of struts 1.1RC1 is a 'release canidate'.

Also, this message would have better been posted on the struts-user


Since my comments were not a question concerning configuration but more
an opinion on release policy, I had thought it better suited to the
developer list.

I understand your frustration to field "complaints" from
non-contributors, but contend that spreading the word and putting struts
into a few customer sites provides some contribution, however small. I
sincerely hope to provide a significant contribution once I have
completed my current project. I will see what I can do to help get the
next release of Commons Logging out.

Thank you!


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