>  I was trying to visualize/interact with a tree structure 
> using Struts, and looking through the archives I found 
> references to using Nested tags, which at that moment were an 
> extension provided by Arron Bates (http://www.keyboardmonkey.com).
>  As I believe, since Struts 1.1, Nested Tags are part of the 
> main branch (correct if I'm wrong), so there's no further 
> need to use the .jar provided by Arron at his home page: 
> Struts 1.1 rc1 provides the tag libraries for using Nested Tags.

You are correct.  Nested tags are part of the Struts 1.1 distribution.  However, Arron 
has made some updates to it and they won't be reflected in the Struts distribution 
until rc2.  So, in the meantime, I would recommend getting the jar at 
http://www.keyboardmonkey.com/downloads/km-nested-v2.03.jar. Simply place the jar file 
in the same location as your struts jar.  The classes in this jar file will then be 

>  That seems to be true, as I've successfully tried Arron's 
> examples with Struts 1.1 rc1... All but the recursive ones. 
> That's why:
> 1) I'd like to know if Struts 1.1 rc1 provides Nested Tags, 
> and so recursion, and if they work for other people.

Yes, and yes.

> 2) Has somebody tried Arron's tree examples with 1.1 rc1 
> tags, and worked?

Arron reported success with all his tests.


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