Answering my own question.

In tile-1.jsp when I define an attribute (<tiles:useAttribute) with request scope, I 
can reference it any of the contained tiles just like any other Java bean.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 1:12 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: [TILES] Passing attributes to tiles

Using Struts 1.1b3

Consider a simple page layout comprised of two tiles, a body and a (wizard-like) 
navigation bar.  I would like to conditionally disable certain navigational buttons on 
some pages.  I am trying to use the <tiles:put> and <tiles:useAttribute> to no avail.

Here's a sample tile definition

<definition name="tile.1" path="tile-1.jsp">
  <put name="hideButton" value="yes"/>
  <put name="body" value="tile-1-body.jsp"/>
  <put name="nav" value="tile-1-nav.jsp"/>

I find that I can access "hideButton" in tile-1.jsp but not in tile-1-nav.jsp.  

In other words, the following works in tile-1.jsp


Hide value is <%=hide%>

But not in any of tile-1-body.jsp or tile-1-nav.jsp.

Is this expected behavior?  Do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve what I am 
trying?  The one workaround I have is to use a <bean:define> in tile-1.jsp and 
reference that bean in tile-1-nav.jsp.


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