I put together some code that allows Struts Actions to be written in the
scripting language of one's choice rather than as Java classes. It uses
the Beans Scripting Framework to allow scripts to be written in any
language BSF supports like Perl, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, BeanShell, and
I believe even VBScript. Currently, I've hardcoded it to use BeanShell,
but support for other languages will be soon coming.

In addition to the code, I modified the Struts example to exclusively use
scripted Actions.  I've never written BeanShell before today, so I'm sure
there are plenty of areas to improve.

As fate would have it, as I finished the struts-example demo, idle
googling found another project doing the same thing in pretty much the
same way: IBM Alphaworks Struts Scripting. Unfortunately, I don't believe
IBM's license is exactly open source, so perhaps there is still a need for
this project. If anyone knows anything further, please, do share.

Comments, suggestions, contributions welcome.



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