You may also want to have a look at the Calendar class as a method of
generating your Date objects.  There are several methods that are very
useful for getting Locale times, so users would get there local time, not
the time where you app is located.

If you have the Calendar in a Static class as Cedric sugested and write your
own methods for standard getDate() and getDate(Locale l), you will find the
time complexity around the 2-5 millisecond maker for the first, and 10-12
milliseconds for the second. Not too costly :-)



----- Original Message -----
From: "Cedric Dumoulin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: Questions concerning Tiles

>   Hi Guillaume,
>   It is hard to say, I have never evaluated the cost of creation of a
> new Date object.
>   You need to evaluate this cost, and compare it against a solution
> where you cache the object. Maybe the Date implementation already do a
> kind of caching !
>   If not, it should be simple to create a singleton class(a static one)
> with one method: getDate(). This method cache the real object, and take
> care of updating it daily :-).
>   Cedric
> >Cédric,
> >is that make sense to define a bean type for printing the today date with
> >the scope of the application ( in order not to instanciate the Date each
> >time) ?
> >
> >Thx!
> >Guillaume
> >
> >
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