Why can't the tag or the tiles controller do something along the lines of instanceof, 
if the property is a list-type, then process each member of the list to the page?  I 
thought everyone was getting away from scriptlets....

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Mon 3/31/2003 3:50 AM 
        To: Struts Users Mailing List 
        Subject: Re: [Tiles] putList() Displaying

          The tiles:insert tag don't check if the attribute is a list because
        element of the list can be of several kind (def name, URL, Item, custom
        bean, ...). Doing an insert on a attribute of type list  doesn't means
        that you want to insert each element of the list. Maybe you simply want
        to display the element.
          Take for example the menu layout. It requires as input a list of
        "Item". One can customized the "Item": how the insert tag can take into
        account such customization ?
          In the current proposal, the insert tag just pass the list as is, and
        let the programmer play with the list according to what have been pushed
        in the list.
        Jacob Hookom wrote:
        >I was wondering if I missed something in the documentation pertaining to
        >displaying lists of includes without using scriptlets.
        >The tiles example war uses putLists to describe menus, but then uses a
        >scriptlet with an Iterator to actually display them.  Why doesn't the
        >tiles:insert tag know if it's a list and iterate over the results to display
        >them-- again, I may have completely missed it in the documentation?
        >Best Regards,
        >Jacob Hookom
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