Glad to see your still updating the Q & A. Keep up the good work. :-)

How to dynamically populate values in a form (e.g. options in a select box)
without submitting or refreshing the entire page?
As well as applets (which require the user's browser to have a Java VM or
plugin), a similar effect can be achieved using only javascript and a hidden
IFRAME or FRAME. Theres quite a good article on this technique at

btw: I noticed a typo:
<snip q="Can I detect if the user presses STOP on the browser">
 the problem encountered by the container when flushing will be 'swollen' by
the container
I presume that should be 'swallowed by the container'?

-----Original Message-----
From: Struts Q&A Info [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 2 April 2003 12:19
Subject: [Struts FAQ] Update #3

Struts FAQ - Update #3

This update covers:

Q1: Is it possible to make the data from the resource bundles accessible as
JSP page scripting variables?

Q2: What does <html:html locale="true"> do?

Q3: What are "indexed" struts-html tags and how to use them?

Q4: What are "map-backed" form beans and how to use them?

Q5: I have an "index.jsp" in a "module1" module. However, when I access
this from the browser, Struts doesn't seem to access the module
struts-config.xml of the "module1". Why?

Q6: How do I make <logic:equal> to check if a bean is null before comparing
the value?

Q7: The Taglib standard does not allow nesting custom tag inside the
attribute of another custom tag. How can I achieve something like
<html:text name="mybean" property="myProperty" value="<bean:write
name="mybeans" property="age"/>"/>?

Q8: How to apply container-managed security to Struts Actions?

Q9: When I have literal string in scriplet used inside a Struts custom tag,
e.g. <bean:write name="obj" property="<%= "age" %>"/>, the scriplet is not
evaluated properly. Why?

Q10: How do I use a Struts Action as a welcome file specified as
<welcome-file> in web.xml ?

Q11: Why does my JSP gives me "Illegal target of jump or branch",
ClassFormatError or VerifyError?

Q12: Can I detect if the user presses STOP on the browser?

Q13: How to dynamically populate values in a form (e.g. options in a select
box) without submitting or refreshing the entire page?

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