You are going in the right direction, but you should declare the tiles plugin as follow in the struts-config.xml:

 <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin" >
   <set-property property="definitions-config"
                    value="/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml" />
   <set-property property="moduleAware" value="true" />

This should be inserted after the </action-mappings> tags.

You can check the struts-config.xml file in tiles-documentation.war as example.



I assume you mean, add the following to the struts-config.xml


But having done this I now get;

Cannot initialize RequestProcessor of class org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtilImpl

Am I going in the right direction?


-----Original Message-----
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 April 2003 09:58
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Problem forwarding from a Tile or Template.


The provided code should work with Tiles if you have set the TilesRequestProcessor.

The problem is that the jsp spec forbid the use of forward once the response is committed. But the jsp spec also said that a response is committed when you do an "insert()". Tiles, and Templates, use include(). Struts action <forward> tag use forward(). So there is a problem. The TilesRequestProcessor takes care of this problem, and use include() instead of forward() when you use a <forward ...> in a struts action.



I get "Cannot forward because the response has already been committed". I get the same response using Templates or Tiles. Here is a simplistic version of my problem.

My JSP is ...
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
<tiles:insert page="/one-pane-template.jsp" >
  <tiles:put name="main" value="/" />

one-pane-template.jsp is ....
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
        <head />
                <tiles:insert name="main"/>

I am trying to attain a Tiled display, where one of the Tiles is a wizard. As there are a lot of initial form parameters for this app, I call the action and form to initialise the data. Hence, the ".do" call.

If I create an Action for the Tile container (one-pane-template.*) and populate the necessary beans there, calling "" and "requestCreate1.jsp" works, but this seems the wrong place to put the logic.

FYI - I initially raised this as a bug (for Templates), but it was invalidated as Tiles had superseded it.



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