Our tiles work fine with Tomcat 4.1.12, struts1.1b3, jdk1.4.01 on an NT box,
but as soon as we port it to a Linux box (SUSE,  same 1.1b3, tomcat 4.1.24)
our rendered html displays a subtle and rather nasty error, as a carriage
return is inserted immediately before the </td> tag, causing the well known
rendering bug in tables.
for example;
<td blah blah"><tiles:insert attribute="MainHeader" /></td>

will be rendered correctly as:
<td blah blah >Main header text</td>
on the NT system, but as
<td blah blah >Main header text
on the linux server, with the carriage return causing ugly display problems.
As far as we are aware, we have saved all our text files (jsp, html, tld,
xml ...) in unix format without the NT double ODOA  CR sequence.
Any ideas???

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