IMO, catch the database exception in user, then throw a new (wrapped) exception, catch it in UserAction and throw a new exception, and use struts decalritive exception handling features to handle it. This avoids undue coupling between UserAction, User and Database.


Navjot Singh wrote:


Take a simple case.

UserAction -> User -> Database

Say, Database throws exception. What is best way to handle exception?

1. Catch in User class and return NULL / some ErrorObject to UserAction and
let UserAction decide how to handle it?

2. Let User class __pass on__ the Exception from Database to UserAction.

2a. As execute() is already throwing Exception so it will handle ALL so Set
<global-exception> handler that can send the user to some nice page?
2b. Catch Exception in UserAction and then do some thing ...

Which one do you guys follow in not-so-large scale web applications?

would appreciate any comments.
-navjot singh

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