Thank you, I will try that.

David Chelimsky wrote:

I know that if you're using the jstl tags you can define the bundle in
the tags. So instead of:

<bean:message key="some.label"/>

you'd write:

<fmt:message bundle="${currentBundle}" key="some.label"/>

Then you can set the value of currentBundle in your Action based on the
current project, or store it in the session when the user selects that
project. In any case, I'm not sure if there's an equivalent in the
struts bean tags. If not, I'd recommend using the JTSL tags.


Natalie D Rassmann wrote:

>My requirement is to have multiple message resource files not based on
>Locale but based on the user's project.  For example,
>I need to create a message bundle for Project A and another one for
>Project B.
> looks like this:
>label.first = First Name
>label.last = Last Name
>MessageResources_ProjectB properties lookes like this:
>label.first = First Initial
>label.last = Last Initial
>My question is how do I do this?  I believe it works similar to the
>Struts Internationaliztion capablity where you can set a locale.
>Is there some kind of variable I can set to distinguish what Project to
>Can anyone point me in the right direction?
>Thanks in advance,
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