well, your check() function ought to return a boolean for starters.

function check() {

                if (tests fail)
                        return false;
                        return true;


onsubmit = "return check()"


On Tuesday, June 3, 2003, at 07:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have some problems to access a text field.

I have this JSP code:

<html:form action="criteria.do" method="post" onsubmit="javascript:check()">
<html:text property="item" size="40" />....

And want to access the value of the item field:

function check(){
        var inputvalue = document.all.item.value;
        var inputvalue = document.forms[0].item.value;

No of these variant runs. In an another application I have the 2 solution and it works. Are there any depedencies between struts and > JS?


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