I am trying to build my table from the values I have in my arary.

My JSp page code looks like this

<TABLE id="mytable">
    <logic:present property="firstName" name="addRateForm">
          <logic:iterate id="element" name="addRateForm"  
property="firstName"  indexId="i" >
              <% int j = ((Integer)
pageContext.getAttribute("i")).intValue(); %>
           <td><html:text name="addRateForm"
property="<%=\"firstName[\"+j+\"]\"%>" />
            <bean:write name="addRateForm"
property="<%=\"firstName[\"+j+\"]\"%>" /> 
            <html:hidden property="firstName" value="a" />
            <td><html:select  property="<%=\"sex[\"+j+\"]\"%>" >
                <html:option value="">&nbsp;</html:option>
               <html:option value="Male" >Male</html:option> 
               <html:option value="Female" >Female</html:option> 
           <td><html:text  property="firstName" value="" /></td>
           <td><html:select  property="sex">
                <html:option value="">&nbsp;</html:option>
               <html:option value="Male" >Male</html:option> 
               <html:option value="Female" >Female</html:option> 

Here my table is dynamic, I start with one empty row when the page loads
first, then I keep adding rows to the table and when I submit, (Lets say
b'cas of some validation errors I want to display the page again, now I
need to build the table where I am using the Logic:iterate to loop thru
my firstName array). 

My Action Form(addRateForm.java) Liiks like this

   private String[] FirstName=null;
   private String[] sex=null;
public String[] getFirstName(){
    return this.FirstName;

 public void setFirstName(String[] newName){
    FirstName = newName;
    // setRow();
  public String[] getSex(){
    return sex;

  public void setSex(String[] newSex){
    sex = newSex;


It all woks fine when I am doing the first time

Say I added three rows and submitted, upon validation failure the page
comes back with three rows of data and a blank row.

This is the source after it builds the page

<TABLE id="mytable">
           <td><input type="text" name="firstName[0]" value="Sashi ">
            <td><select name="sex[0]"><option value="">&nbsp;</option>
               <option value="Male" selected="selected">Male</option> 
               <option value="Female">Female</option></select>
           <td><input type="text" name="firstName[1]" value="Sushma">
            <td><select name="sex[1]"><option value="">&nbsp;</option>
               <option value="Male">Male</option> 
               <option value="Female"
           <td><input type="text" name="firstName" value=""></td>
           <td><select name="sex"><option value="">&nbsp;</option>
               <option value="Male" >Male</option> 
               <option value="Female"

Now when I make some changes and resubmit 

I get Null Pointer Exception


java.lang.String, int, java.lang.Object)

Let me know if I have to provide more info 

Also I used indexed="true" but it did not work so I tried to do the way
I showed above.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/11/03 11:15AM >>>
Can you explain what it is you are trying to do?  (in a broader scope)

Have you looked at or used indexed fields before?

James Mitchell
Software Developer/Struts Evangelist

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sashi Ravipati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:41 AM
Subject: How can I do this

I am reading the values from an array, when I build my table I use
<html:text name="addRateForm" property="<%=\"firstName[\"+j+\"]\"%>" />
the above tag converts to
<input type="text" name="firstName[1]" value="b">

Now I also want to build a hidden value along with the text box as shown

<input type=hidden value="b" >

I tried to to this which does not work
<html:hidden property="firstName" value='<bean:write name="addRateForm"
property="<%=\"firstName[\"+j+\"]\"%>" />' />

How can I achieve this


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