Sashi, your person bean must have getName(), setName() and getPhoneNo(), setPhoneNo().

Everybody: I haven't come across the html:taglib indexed property before. This seems to do what nested: tags do - is this functional overlap?

Generally with JST taglib as well, there seems to be a wide choice of taglibs to use - is this going to consolidate at some point in struts' development?


Sashi Ravipati wrote:
Can some body help in as how to define get and set methods when we use indexed tags.


<logic:iterate id="person" name="myFormBean" property="personList">
      <bean:write name="person" property="name"/>
      <html:hidden name="person" property="name" indexed="true"/>
      <html:text name="person" property="phoneNo" indexed="true"/>

What will be the get and set methods.


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