This could be one way:

<bean:define id="orgName" name="deleteOganizationForm" property="organizationName" 
scope="session" ignore="true"/>
<bean:message key="deleteBusiness.confirm.p1" arg0="<%= orgName %>" />



 Hrishi Dixit
 415-490-2236 work
 415-297-2722 cell

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tin Pham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:04 AM
> Subject: i18n, passing variable into arg0 using bean:message
> Hi,
> Individually these all work
> deleteBusiness.confirm.p1 = Confirm company <b>{0}</b> is correct.
> <bean:message key="deleteBusiness.confirm.p1" arg0="Esso"/>
> <bean:write name="deleteOganizationForm" property="organizationName"
> scope="session" ignore="true"/>
> Instead of using a literal of esso we want to use the value 
> taken from our
> formBean, deleteOganizationForm.
> We have tried various combinations. Can somebody please 
> provide an example?

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