Mykola Ostapchuk wrote:
I have request.setAttribute("userList", userListBean); string in execute()
My Action class works well without tiles - it returns a bean to users.jsp
and I see the users list.
I'm wandering if I'm using DoFirst action forward class in a right way?
Maybe because of this "additional" forwarding all the objects in request

The definitions and forwarding look correct, but the code you posted only had a perform() method, and no execute() method. And the code you posted for doesn't add the bean to the request.

When you access /, Struts will match that request to the path "/userAdm" in struts-config.xml. Struts will then call the perform() or execute() method of

From the code you posted, will just return a forward called "success". Struts will then match that to the path "usersPage", which matches the tiles definition "usersPage" in tiles-def.xml.

Nowhere in that process was a bean added to the request. You must have a different class file which does that somewhere.

Jason Lea

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