Struts Console version 4.0 is now available.

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Struts Console is FREE software.

This release most notably adds support for editing JSP Tag Library files
(*.tld) and fixes the long running JBuilder plugin problems.

Changes with Struts Console v4.0

  *) Fixed long running bug where Struts Console's version
     of JDOM library conflicted with that used by JBuilder.

  *) Fixed bug where updating Global Constants in Validator
     config wasn't marking file as changed.

  *) Fixed Console to properly save files as UTF-8 instead
     of system encoding.

  *) Fixed IDEA plugin to properly refresh config file in text
     editor when changes are made with Console. In doing so,
     improved plugin performance greatly.

  *) Fixed a couple of very minor bugs in IDEA plugin.

  *) Fixed bug where using Escape key or Cancel button to close
     dialogs would sometimes lead to new elements being created

  *) Added support for editing JSP Tag Library (*.tld) files.

  *) Added support for <bean> element in Tiles config files.

  *) Added instructions to IDEA plugin for newbies. 



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