Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the reply.

I'm a little confused by your example though.
First off - what does the ${4dig} mean?
This won't validate a checkbox, right?

Second, you have a lot of stuff commented out. 
Are these fields getting validated?

Finally, if I wanted to just test against a boolean 
being checked would I do something like the following?

        <field property="prop1" depends="mask">
            <msg name="requiredif" key="app224Form.aForm.prop1.req"/>
            <msg name="mask" key="app224Form.aForm.prop1.mask"/>

I'm quite confused! Sorry,

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Robair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 26 June 2003 14:30
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: requiredif - simple example

The following worked for me. Note that in RC1, the <var-name> tag values
are expected to be field-test[n], not fieldTest[n] and so on....

The requiredif check was removed because in 1.1RC1, requiredif would
a javascript validator such as mask. I used custom validation instead.

<field property="prop1" depends="mask"><!-- removed requiredif -->
            <msg name="requiredif" key="app224Form.aForm.prop1.req"/>
            <msg name="mask" key="app224Form.aForm.prop1.mask"/>
<!--            <var>

You can also check out the Validator doc on the struts documentation.
expand the struts-documentation webapp that comes with your version of
struts, it is under User and Developer Guides.


--- Brian McSweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The validator package works well for me. 
> But I'm trying to use the requiredif and failing.
> I know there has been previous discussion of this, 
> but I'm trying to a simple validation based on a checkbox 
> so perhaps someone could tell me where I'm going wrong.
> For example,
> I want to validate a creditcard, if a checkbox is checked.
> I currently am trying to do this as follows:
>       <form name="myForm">
>               <field property="creditCard"
>                      depends="requiredif,creditCard">
>                   <arg0 key="myForm.creditCard"/>
>                   <arg0
>                       name="creditCard"
>                     key="CreditCard"
>                       resource="false"
>                   />
>                   <arg0
>                       name="requiredif"
>                     key="A Credit-Card is"
>                       resource="false"
>                   />
>                   <var>
>                     <var-name>myForm.checked</var-name>
>                     <var-value>on</var-value>
>                   </var>
>               </field>
>       </form>
> The form name is: myForm
> The creditcard field is named "creditCard"
> The checkbox field is named "checked"
> Note that all other types of validation are working correctly for me.
> Any help would be SO much appreciated.
> Brian

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