On Sat, 2003-06-28 at 19:00, Jason Lea wrote:
> Here are some ideas, I haven't tested them so they could be horribly 
> wrong :)
> The html-el:text tag are just like the html:text tag, but I can evaluate 
> EL expressions.
> What you want to generate is something like this:
> someCode:  <input type="text" name="fooMap['aCode'].someCode" 
> value="aCode"><br>
> because when this is submitted Struts will do something like:
> formBean.getFooMap().get("aCode").setSomeCode("a new value")

Thanks Jason. I'll have to try some of this. The problem with the above
though is what do i substitute in for "aCode" that represents "key". The
keys can be different obviously as the iterations take place.  

> So then looking at the html:text tag documentation we see for 'property':
> "Name of this input field, and the name of the corresponding bean 
> property if value is not specified. The corresponding bean property (if 
> any) must be of type String."
> This means the value of 'property' will be the name of the text input 
> field - this is the bit we want to become name="fooMap['aCode'].someCode".
> The other importent part is the 'indexed' property:
> "Valid only inside of logic:iterate tag.  

Actually this seemed to also work within the JSTL foreach loop.

> If true then name of the html 
> tag will be rendered as "id[34].propertyName". Number in brackets will 
> be generated for every iteration and taken from ancestor logic:iterate tag."
> You are using JSTL and have not created a logic:iterate tag so the index 
> isn't going to be generated for you.  You could switch to using 
> logic:iterate and I think the tags figure out what to call themselves eg
> <html:form action="....">
>      <logic:iterate id="beanInMap" name="fooMap">
>          someCode:     <html-el:text name="beanInMap" 
> property="deptCode" indexed="true"/><br>
>      </logic:iterate>
> </html:form>

I tried the above but it complained that it couldn't find my map (fooMap
in the above example).

> or use the <nested:*> tags, which would be something like:
> <nested:form action="....">
>      <nested:iterate name="fooMap">
>          someCode:     <nested:text property="deptCode" /><br>
>      </nested:iterate>
> </html-el:form>
> If you want to use JSTL, you probably have to generate the property name 
> yourself:
> <html:form action="....">
>      <c:forEach var="beanInMap" items="${formBean.fooMap}">
>          someCode:     <html-el:text 
> property="fooMap['${beanInMap.someCode}'].someCode" /><br>
>          someDescrip:  <html-el:text 
> property="fooMap['${beanInMap.someDescrip}'].someDescrip" /><br>
>          <br>
>      </c:forEach>
> </html:form>

With the above I end up with the error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An error occurred while evaluating
custom action attribute "property" with value
"departments['${beanInMap.deptCode}'].deptCode": Unable to find a value
for "deptCode" in object of class "java.util.HashMap$Entry" using
operator "." (null)

the syntax looks like:

<c:forEach var="beanInMap" items="${employeeForm.departments}">
<html:text  property="departments['${beanInMap.deptCode}'].deptCode" />
<html:text  property="departments['${beanInMap.deptName}'].deptName" />

I've tried all kinds of other combos also and still stumped.

Thanks for the help so far.

> Rick Reumann wrote:
> > Ok this has me stumped...
> > 
> > the down and dirty:
> > 
> > formBean has HashMap called fooMap
> > 
> > fooMap has keys that bring back beans of type BarBean
> > 
> > BarBean has properties someCode , someDescrip 
> > 
> > Now I want to iterate over this map and create the properties based on
> > the properties in BarBean and be able to update this form which will
> > then update the underlying BarBeans in the map.
> > 
> > (Ignore the part that I know that's a hassle about the reset method and
> > making sure Map exist there).
> > 
> > 
> > <c:forEach var="beanInMap" items="${formBean.fooMap}">
> > 
> >     someCode:     <html-el:text property="????????"/><br>
> >     someDescrip:  <html-el:text property="????????"/><br>
> >     <br>
> >   
> > </c:forEach>
> > 
> > 
> > the text will display fine in the form with:
> > 
> > someCode: <html-el:text name=beanInMap" property="beanInMap.deptCode" />
> > 
> > but when the form submits all the bean property values are null ( in the
> > reset if it matters for testing i'm just creating a few maps with empty
> > BarBeans in the map).
> > 
> > I'm stumped.. any help much appreciated.
> > 

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