On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 14:37, David Erickson wrote:
> Thoughts, comments?  Any other ways to do this?

I like to subclass the RequestProcessor and over-ride the process

        public void process(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
 throws IOException, ServletException {

Here I do a simple check to make sure that there is a "UserBean" in
session scope. If it is not then the are forwarded to the login Page
which submits to the LoginAction and everything gets setup like you
mentioned. Seems clean and simple to me.

Only small problem is if later on way down the road the RequestProcessor
changes in Struts.

The other thing I like is just make sure the only way you can get
anywhere is through an Action mapping /do/* or .do whatever. Then I have
all my actions extend a BaseAction (BaseDispatchAction actually). In
there I overwrite the execute method which does the same as in the
over-ridden class above. 

This later idea is probably better but you just have to remember to make
sure all your actions extend a BaseAction.


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