HTML is as shown below

  <input type="submit" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.CANCEL"
value="Cancel" onclick="bCancel=true;">

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/09/03 09:21AM >>>
Sashi, what HTML does the tag produce?


Sashi Ravipati wrote:
> I am trying this on Struts 1.1 final. Will this make any difference..
>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/08/03 05:11PM >>>
> Odd, I can't reproduce that in 1.1-rc1.  Unless you're
> extending something which might override the
> isCancelled(HttpServletRequest) method, or the
> html:cancel tag is not contained within an html:form
> tag, I can't think of anything else.
> m
> --- Sashi Ravipati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>This is how I have my cancel tag.
>>        <bean:message key="button.cancel"/>
>>  </html:cancel>
>>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/08/03 02:27PM >>>
>>The complete content of your html:cancel tag is
>>probably key to solving this problem.
>>--- Sashi Ravipati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> isCancelled(request) is always returning false
>>>(Even when cancel button
>>>is clicked)
>>>Need some help...
>>>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/08/03 09:10AM >>>
>>>I have a <html:cancel> in my jsp page. and in my
>>>action I have
>>>      return mapping.findForward("index"); 
>>>But it is not working. What am I doing wrong here.
>>>am using Struts 1.1
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